Monday, January 01, 2007

the gay thing

Thank you everyone for your email and comments even though I haven't been posting. I got suckered into teaching a college course along with my full-time job which has a 70 mile/day commute, so I was pretty stressed for a while there. I am so glad that is over. I hate teaching. Why do I do these things?

Actually, the above is kind of bull-shit. I mean, it is true about being busy, but I think that I would have still posted if I had wanted to. I needed some time off from thinking about tgt (the gay thing).

It has been almost 2 1/2 years now since Eddy came out to me. Not much has changed. We don't even talk about it as much as we did during the first year or two. I am afraid that our situation is "fossilizing". I don't want to wake up another 2 1/2 years from now to everything being the same.

But how much should I push him into talking about it?




Blogger grace said...

"fossilizing" is not an option.

while i can't tell you what you should do....i can tell you that status quo is not good enough for ANY marriage....

we are all required/called/destined to continue to grow and change to become more like Christ...and i'm not saying being more like Christ will make Eddy not gay...not at all...

I am saying...that becoming more like Christ WILL change your marriage, for better or worse...and SOMETHING has to happen...or needs to...

sorry for being so vague, but, as others have posted, there are no easy answers and the answers are different for different people.

i'll continue to pray for you if you don't mind...

Monday, January 01, 2007 7:42:00 PM  
Blogger Jeanine Byers said...

Heidi, just found your blog! I am a recovering fundamentalist and a reader, too.

But about this post. Does your husband know about That website and community was a godsend to me when I first came out to myself and there are others there in mixed-orientation marriages.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007 1:05:00 PM  

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